Game Programming Using C++


  • Proficiency in algebra including the knowledge of variables, integers, and absolute values
  • Ability to evaluate algebraic expressions using order of operations and the distributive property

What you’ll learn

  • Establish the foundation of C++ programming
  • Learn coding concepts such as: variables, data types, control flow, functions, classes, and how to use Standard Template Library(STL) features
  • Start making complete games from scratch
  • Explore the creation and use of game loops, and bring back the excitement arcades with classic mechanics implemented in new ways
  • Use moving graphics to breathe life into code and create complex interactions
  • Read in user input and print formatted output
  • Write problem-solving mathematical algorithms
  • Use arrays to keep track of character stats and attacks implement a game loop
  • Develop a functioning role-playing game

Skill Level

What You’ll Create

  • A playable game level

Top Skills Gained

Software & Hardware Skills Development

  • C++

Personal Skills Development

  • Project planning
  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving